At Farmacia Pharmacy, we offer personalized healthcare services tailored to meet the individual needs of our patients. Services include free prescription delivery, multi-dose packaging, pharmacist counseling, and more. You’re guaranteed to get the care you deserve when you visit our local pharmacy in the West Palm Beach/Lake Worth area. You can learn more about each of the services we offer below.
Discover the convenience of our comprehensive services:
Delivery Service: We offer free delivery to our patients in the nearby West Palm Beach and Lake Worth areas. Get your prescriptions and other over-the-counter items delivered right to your door. Transfer your prescriptions to our pharmacy today to get started.
Medication Therapy:
Prescription Refills and Transfers
Medication Adherence
Medication Therapy Management
Long-Term Care Services
Multi-Dose Packaging
Medication Synchronization
Compliance Packaging Program
Med Check Program
Medication Reviews
Pharmacist Counseling
Vitamins, Supplements, and Hispanic Products:
Explore our extensive range of vitamins, supplements, and Hispanic products, including Chanka Piedra, Balsamo Tchakowski, Mercurocromo, Diosmin, and more. We're your one-stop destination for all your supplement needs.
Prescription Medication:
At Farmacia Garcia Discount, we are committed to providing our patients and partners with affordable medications. In addition to providing prescription cost savings, we work diligently to provide the best possible therapeutic outcomes from life-saving medicines. Our mission is to improve the health and wellness of our community. We are proud to present our revolutionary answer to increasing drug prices.
High Blood Pressure Kiosk:
Our high blood pressure kiosk allows you to monitor your blood pressure conveniently at our pharmacy. Our experts are on hand to provide assistance, guidance, and access to essential medications and equipment for your well-being.
Experience unparalleled support for your health and wellness needs at Farmacia Garcia.

We’ll Take Care of It