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Writer's pictureMinerva Garcia

5 Vitamins You Can Take for Healthy Skin

Updated: Nov 20

5 Vitamins You Can Take for Healthy Skin
5 Vitamins You Can Take for Healthy Skin

Everyone wants and needs healthy skin. Not only is it more visually appealing, but having healthy skin helps keep our overall physical health in check as well. Think about what plagues your skin every day: sun exposure, dry air, minor scrapes and scratches, just to name a few! While there are definitely some natural measures you can take to keep skin as healthy as possible (staying hydrated is one great way), consider these vitamins to be a huge help as well!

Vitamin A

It’s pretty obvious when we tear holes in our skin and scratch it severely with foreign objects, but did you know there are tiny breaks in our skin that happen every day that we don’t ever know about? It’s constantly being worn and weathered, so it needs aid when it comes to tissue repair – internally and externally. Vitamin A is your ticket for that. Without an appropriate amount of Vitamin A, your skin will be slow to heal, and will likely appear flaky and dry. Great sources of vitamin A can be found in leafy greens, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

Vitamin B

When it comes to skin health, hydration should be high on the list in terms of priorities. One of the most helpful vitamins for that? Vitamin B. It’s found in foods like eggs, bananas, and oatmeal, and contains a nutrient that helps in forming the nail base, layers of skin, and hair. Skin with a lack of vitamin B will be patchy and uneven, so make sure to have it in your diet.

Vitamin C

It’s most well known for it’s immune system supporting properties found in citrus fruits and other vegetables, but vitamin C also aids tremendously in collagen production, which is helpful as far as anti-aging efforts. Keep the wrinkles away, improve in skin tone and texture, and reduce the effects of sun damage with your daily helping of Vitamin C.

Vitamin E

Accidents happen, and aging is irreversible. What can help? Vitamin E. For skin that’s aged with scars, rough patches and uneven tones, consider adding a little more vitamin E to the diet, which will help it look younger and softer. Nuts and spinach are both great sources of Vitamin E.

Vitamin K

Sun damage, bruises, dark circles… all things our skin will experience over years. Some are more temporary than others, but all are evident when they appear. To help reduce the appearance of these dark spots and to keep skin light and clear, up your intake of Vitamin K, which can be found naturally in dark leafy greens like kale and collards. Another alternative? Topical creams and solutions that you can apply directly to your dark spots.

Keep your body healthy with a great diet and a supplement of vitamins that will help your anti-aging, healthy skin efforts!

For more on Skin, take a look at our features here.

Or learn more about Nutrition in these features.


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El contenido proporcionado en el blog de García Pharmacy Discount tiene fines informativos únicamente. No pretende sustituir el asesoramiento, diagnóstico o tratamiento médico profesional. Siempre busque el consejo de su médico u otro proveedor de salud calificado si tiene alguna pregunta sobre una afección médica.

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