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Writer's pictureMinerva Garcia

Omega-3's positive impact on cancer and heart disease.

Updated: Nov 20

Federal officials continue to work to discover new methods of better controlling population health and deterring a variety of widespread issues in the United States, including heart disease and cancer. While exercise and good dietary choices are crucial to prevent cancer, heart disease and other conditions, scientists have focused on finding healthy supplements, as well as new risk factors, that might help control the growing rate of individuals suffering from these conditions.

Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the U.S., accounting for more than 600,000 mortalities each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This translates to roughly one-quarter of all deaths among American adults, while many believe that this condition can be better avoided through simple lifestyle adjustments.

Furthermore, the prevalence of cancer has increased incrementally throughout the past several decades. The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 12.5 million U.S. citizens had some form of cancer as of Jan. 1, 2009, while more females suffered from the disease than males. However, new studies indicate that the risks of heart disease and some cancers might be mitigated by the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids.

Inhibition of triple-negative breast cancer A new study from Fox Chance Cancer Center revealed that the metabolite products of omega-3 fatty acids might slow or stop the growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells. According to the researchers, omega-3s were found to work against every type of cancerous cell tested, though the fatty acids were especially helpful in slowing the growth of triple-negative cell lines. In these cell lines, omega-3s slowed the proliferation by as much as 90 percent.

These findings support the long-held belief that Mediterranean diets, which are filled with fish, might prevent the onset of breast and other cancers. The study's authors stressed the importance of lifestyle and dietary choices when it comes to cancer prevention and treatment.

"Diet can play a critical role in breast cancer prevention," Thomas Pogash, a scientific technician at the Fox Chase Cancer Center and lead author of the study, explained. "When you compare a western diet to a Mediterranean diet, which has more omega-3s, you see less cancer in the Mediterranean diet. They eat much more fish."

Furthermore, triple-negative breast cancer is among the most devastating types of the disease, and has a high mortality rate.

"This type of cancer, which is found more frequently in Latina and African-American women, is highly aggressive and has a low survival rate," Russo added. "There is not any specific treatment for it."

The study also revealed that omega-3s not only slowed the growth of such harmful cell lines, but also inhibited their abilities to move throughout the body. As such, researchers believe that omega-3s might be crucial in preventing or slowing the spread of cancer from one region of the body to another.

Omega-3s and heart disease Many studies have indicated that the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s, as well as a variety of other benefits, can slow or prevent the onset of heart disease. The Harvard Crimson recently reported that a new study found omega 3 supplements can be used to lengthen life spans, especially for older individuals with underlying conditions.

According to the news provider, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Washington found that subjects with the highest omega-3 levels lived 2.2 years longer on average than those with lower levels. The source noted that the researchers found three different fatty acids correlated with three conditions, including coronary heart disease, nonfatal heart attack and stroke.

By maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, and potentially taking omega-3 supplements, individuals might be able to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.


The content provided on the Garcia Pharmacy Discount blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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El contenido proporcionado en el blog de García Pharmacy Discount tiene fines informativos únicamente. No pretende sustituir el asesoramiento, diagnóstico o tratamiento médico profesional. Siempre busque el consejo de su médico u otro proveedor de salud calificado si tiene alguna pregunta sobre una afección médica.

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